Jim Renacci
We Can’t Trust Jim Renacci to Restore Ohio.

We Struggle.
Jim Renacci Lives Large.
Renacci is an out-of-touch politician who "lives in one of the nicest and priciest developments" here at home while jet-setting to two personal residences in Florida.1
We’re Out of Work.
Jim Renaccci Raises His Own Pay.
Renacci voted to give himself and other politicians a pay raise – padding his pocket with taxpayer dollars.2
We Do What’s Right.
Jim Renacci Creates Controversy.
Renacci has been involved in a number of lawsuits as both a plaintiff and defendant, suing both people and corporations more than 10 times as his nursing homes have been involved in a series of lawsuits related to wrongful death.3
We Pay Our Taxes.
Jim Renacci?
Renacci was assessed with $1.4 million in back taxes for misreporting income on his tax returns and sought a nearly $360,000 refund from the Ohio Department of Taxation for interest and penalties stemming from his 2000 tax payment.4
We Need Jobs.
Jim Renacci Helped Kill Ohio Jobs.
Renacci voted to provide President Obama with fast track authority to negotiate the 12 country Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would accelerate the loss of Ohio jobs.5